Buenas razones para escribir en XHTML y CSS al momento de armar un sitio web.
- You can get free links from showcase sites like zengarden, stylegala, cssimport or cssbeauty
- You don’t have to spend extra thought and time deciding on styling the mark up of
your document (upper- or lowercase, quotes or no quotes on attributes)
- You don’t need to spend extra thought on which tags should be closed and which can (or should) be left
- You “help” the search engines to deliver more relevant content using semantic markup
- You can save in bandwidth costs and visitors will see them
faster by making slimmer pages
- It’s going to be easier for you to switch to XHTML 2.0 which will give you more semantic tools
- Once you’ve practised enough,
coding pages becomes a whole lot simpler and faster than any table/tr/td tagsoup
- When the coding is faster you can spend more time on thinking about the user experience
- Thinking about semantics of a document helps you to make design and information architecture decisions
- You can quickly make a dummy site to test your sites information architecture
and append a look and feel later with only minor code changes
Artículo completo en: http://www.programimi.com/