Interesante artículo de Jacob Nielsen referente a un
estudio/encuesta que realizaron para determinar que método tiene un mejor ROI (Return of Investment): Newsletter vs. Banners.
MarketingSherpa has released the results of a survey of 3,186 Internet marketers, who were asked about their ROI from various marketing techniques…
Highest scoring was house email marketing, with 4 times as many respondents saying that they got strong or good ROI than people who said that it was a low-value tactic or hard to gauge.
Lowest scoring Internet tactic was banner advertising, with 3 as many people saying "low" (or "hard to gauge") vs. respondents who said "good" (or
Email is about 12 times higher rated than banner advertising for ROI. Allocate your budget accordingly: unless you spend many times more on your
newsletters then on online advertising, you probably have ROI problems.
These numbers don’t surprise me, because our empirical observations of users’ actual behavior show strong positive effects of email newsletters and
extremely strong banner blindness.
Still, it’s nice to see marketing managers come to the same conclusions as the user research, regarding what works on the Internet."
Email newsletters, user research findings:
> Banner blindness, user research findings:
> Marketing managers’ ROI experience, survey findings: