“Just as you can declare the background of an element to be a solid color in CSS, you can also declare that background to be a gradient. Using gradients declared in CSS, rather using an actual image file, is better for control and performance.” Source: http://css-tricks.com/css3-gradients/ Complete article: CSS Gradients | CSS-Tricks.
10 Useful HTML5 Tools for Web Designers and Developers
Check out these compilation of useful tools for optimizing our development process. “Here, we have assembled 10 very useful HTML5 Tools which are going to help you in making the development task easier yet productive. Now a day, these HTML5 devices are very much in popularity among web designers and developers as these are very flexible and simple tools to … Read More
15 very useful CSS Snippets
It’s good to pay attention to hacks that facilitate our daily work, specially when there’s a chance to optimize our design and development process. Take a look at these very useful collection of CSS snippets, which will most certainly help us get things done quicker! 15 Useful CSS Snippets for Developers | Code Geekz.
5 Ways to Decide if Your Business Needs a Mobile App
This article shows us some of the criteria to consider when deciding to build a mobile app. In most cases, a mobile version or a responsive approach is enough to satisfy our users. Read the article here.
10 CSS Rules Every Web Designer Should Know
“This post rounds up 10 declarations and tips that every web designer should have available in their CSS arsenal.” By Chris Spooner Link: 10 CSS Rules Every Web Designer Should Know.
Responsive Web Design [Infographic]
This is really a remarkable article about this more and more recognized trend. Google actually recommends using this new standard, by serving one HTML for all devices. Check out this article from inspirationfeed.com Responsive Web Design [Infographic] | inspirationfeed.com.
Best CSS Code Snippet Sites / via Awwwards
Best CSS Code Snippet Sites | Awwwards.
Tips y trucos de CSS (muy útiles)
Buena colección de tips de CSS que quizá no conocían. Contiene: 1. Rounded corners without images 2. Style your order list 3. Tableless forms 4. Double blockquote 5. Gradient text effect 6. Vertical centering with line-height 7. Rounded corners with images 8. Multiple class name 9. Center horizontally (Muy útil!) 10. CSS Drop Caps 11. Prevent line breaks in links, … Read More
Crea formularios web en línea… Gratis!
pForm es una herramienta en línea que nos permite crear formularios web customizados con gran facilidad. La versión gratis te limita a crear un formulario cusstomizado con todas las opciones, pero sólo en formato HTML (que en muchos casos es suficiente, ya que se puede utilizar un simple mailer script para que funcione en línea). Sitio web: http://www.phpform.org/